Assam is making significant strides in enhancing its Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) ecosystem by transitioning low-risk regulatory inspections to self-certification and medium-risk inspections to third-party certification. This reform aligns with global best practices and the Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) objectives outlined by DPIIT, Government of India. By empowering businesses to self-certify compliance with statutory requirements for low-risk categories, the state aims to reduce administrative bottlenecks and foster a trust-based regulatory environment. This approach not only eases the compliance burden on businesses but also optimizes government resources by allowing inspectors to focus on high-risk areas, thereby improving the overall efficiency and transparency of regulatory enforcement.
For medium-risk inspections, the introduction of third-party certification ensures impartiality and reliability in compliance assessments. Accredited agencies with specialized expertise are engaged to verify adherence to regulatory standards, providing businesses with faster and more objective evaluations. This system enhances credibility while safeguarding public safety and environmental standards. Assam's proactive adoption of these progressive measures reflects its commitment to creating a business-friendly environment that encourages investment and economic growth. These reforms are expected to streamline industrial operations, reduce procedural delays, and position Assam as a leading destination for investors seeking an efficient and transparent regulatory framework.

To implement these reforms effectively, Assam has established a dedicated task force led by the Chief Executive Officer of the Single Window Agency, under the Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce, along with nodal officers from various government departments responsible for inspections. This task force is actively working to create a more business-conducive environment by operationalizing the shift to self-certification for low-risk inspections and engaging accredited third-party agencies for medium-risk categories. These measures not only streamline industrial operations but also attract investments by ensuring an efficient, transparent, and investor-friendly regulatory ecosystem in Assam.
Click here to View or Download the Notification for Task Force Low Risk